Center for Development Information (CDI library)

The “Center for Development Information”, (CDI library) is located at the Treasury since 1979 to serve the users who need different kind of information. The CDI library was established with the assistance of UNDP/UNESCO and it was subsequently, upgraded as a special category library which is managed by the Department of National Planning.

CDI library is specialized with subjects related to socio-economic development such as Development Planning, Economics, Management, Financial Analysis, Strategic Management, Financial Economics, Policy Analysis, Project Management etc.

The CDI library book collection is mainly categorized as lending and reference sections. The lending section caters only the permeant staff of the Treasury and the reference section caters any user. The professionals, researchers, university and school students and development partners etc. are the main users of the CDI library. The CDI library collection consists of more than 25,000 subject related books, publications of the Ministry of Finance, weekly and monthly published international periodicals and locally published daily and weekend newspapers. In addition, the special collection in CDI library consists of publications of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Department of Census and Statistics, United Nations, WHO, SAARC and research publications.

During 2016-2018 the CDI library was modernized with the assistance of UNFPA and e-library concept was introduced. Accordingly, the non-authors publications, archived documents of Sri Lanka including Acts (since 1935-1981), Budget Speeches (since 1947), Budget Estimates (since 1962), Public Investment Programmes (since 1979), publications of Ministry of Finance, Legislative Enactments and documents related to planning were digitized with the assistance of JICA. These publications are in PDF format and can access to them using the link cdiopac.treasury.gov.lk.

In addition, the CDI library links with other main libraries of government sector to offer efficient service to their users in exchanging information under the Inter Library Loan Facility (ILL) and also addresses user needs through SLISTINET network initiated by the National Science Foundation.

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